The first weekend of August the young people of Los Angeles met at UCLA gathering in praise and worship, listening to speakers, and adoration seeking Christ in their life. In the last week of July the Church gave the youth a time to share their faith with others. In Lisbon Portugal 1.5 million people attended the World Youth Day with Pope Francis. "It was joy filled experience being around millions of people around the world sharing the same One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic faith." -Seminarian George
Two updates, one, beginning this past Saturday we started live streaming the 530 English Vigil Mass; two, beginning this Monday, August 3, we will be offering daily in-person Masses on a first come first served basis. This means you will not need to call to…
By order of Archbishop Gomez at the suggestion of Governor Newsom, we will cease indoor celebration of religious services. As such, we are moving our Sunday Masses outside. Please see below for the new schedule, as times have changed due to weather considerations. Monday